K+M Warrington


Keith Warrington and his wife, Marion, (both b. 1947), are New Zealanders and members of the international missionary organization Youth with a Mission. They have lived in Germany since 1972. Keith teaches and is a consultant for leaders in church and society. His passion is to assist men and women in all areas of society to discover God’s calling and to partner creatively and responsibly with Him. Keith and Marion live in Berlin, have four married children and five grandchildren.

“Your kingdom come!” – How often do we Christians around the world speak this out as part of The Lord’s Prayer? Are we aware of the implications of what this “Kingdom of God” is all about?

(Kindle + Paperback/Hard cover available)

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Twelve years ago, Keith Warrington (in YWAM Germany since 1972) published his book
DAS REICH GOTTES Die Vision wiedergewinnen” in German. The book has done and is still doing its work well in Germany, helping to foster a helpful paradigm change in the
thinking of many regarding the kingdom of God. After months of rewriting and editing, we have now self-published it in English on Amazon, so it can be read internationally.
The Kindle version as well as Print on Demand – paperback and hard cover – are available.

The first part of the book leads chronologically through the Bible to inductively discover the topic of the kingdom of God and to unfold its scope. Basic terms are explained and a perspective is opened up as to how the kingdom of God is at work among us and taking shape in our time.

The second part deals with very practical, important consequences that derive from this kingdom of God perspective. It deals with the vocation of the individual and leads via family and church into all areas of life (the world of work, science and culture, industry, technology, etc.).

For many, a paradigm shift.

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